OUR Team

The product of lifelong adventure sports enthusiasts, friction freaks and all round we can do it better’ers. At Gekco we’re passionate about designing environmentally safe and sustainable products perfectly suited to the needs of fellow sports lovers.
Part of my life since discovering the sport at school, climbing slowly and sneakily became the backbone of my life whilst growing up. It’s introduced me to people I’m proud to call my friends, to the strong communities in our local blocs, to crags that feel like secret worlds and has lead me to develop a rare and seemingly incurable condition where I shout “ROCK” every time I see some stone that’s vaguely climbable. I can always rely on it to bring me a sense of calm and peace, except when I find myself on slopers, they do not bring me peace.
It's been a dream of mine for many years now to be a contributor to the community; Gekco is the culmination of my unrestingly experimental brain, my love for bringing concepts to life and my endless search for more damn grip.
We’ve designed these products to be the best, not the rest... we've got performance not profits in mind and we hope you love them as much as we do!

Finished your bottle? Return them to your local stockist for reuse. We collect, sterilise and refill them, ready for your next purchase in order to reduce the amount of plastic going through the waste system!
Our bottles are also 100% recyclable, so if returning them isn't possible they can be widely recycled.