Our vision
Just chalk. Just greener. just better.

Our vision at Gekco is to become THE environmentally friendly chalk brand. A brand who climbers can trust to provide the highest quality, best performing, most environmentally friendly chalk products available.
We want to do things greener and better, so we’re setting a higher standard of care for the environment, climate and quality of our products. The aim here is to think about everything, so you don’t have to… from the source of our chalk, through to it’s packaging and even to how we give back to our community and planet to ensure our use of these products is sustainable.
We are a carbon negative company, innovating and pioneering sustainable products made by climbers, for climbers.
To fulfil our vision we’re committed to running a permanent R&D effort to identify points for improvement to sustainability within our operations, supply chain and products. New products are released only after passing rigorous performance and environmental checks.

Finished your bottle? Return them to your local stockist for reuse. We collect, sterilise and refill them, ready for your next purchase in order to reduce the amount of plastic going through the waste system!
Our bottles are also 100% recyclable, so if returning them isn't possible they can be widely recycled.